Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Liability Attorney

Holding The Other Driver Accountable For Your Injuries
A knowledgeable Fort Lauderdale car accident liability attorney from our firm can investigate the case to discover evidence to support your claim. For example, witness statements, cell phone records, and even the driver’s own testimony may provide proof of driving while texting, which has been demonstrated to be at least as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. Similarly, if you were injured in a drunk driving accident, we will look for proof that the other driver had not only consumed alcohol, but also caused the accident through swerving, speeding or other types of reckless behavior.
All drivers are bound by a duty to take reasonable precaution to avoid causing car accidents, and the victims of preventable collisions have a right to demand compensation. Your car accident insurance claim can include everything from your medical expenses and lost wages to the pain and suffering you have been forced to experience. You have nothing to lose in hiring an attorney from our firm to represent your claim, as we only charge a fee if we win your case-no recovery, no fee. If you believe that the accident was caused by the other driver, do not hesitate to seek our help in claiming damages.
Proving Your Claim With A Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney
When you have been injured in an auto accident, one of the first questions you should ask is whether the other driver is at fault. If it can be proven that the other driver caused the collision, such as through aggressive driving or in a distracted driver accident, you may be entitled to claim compensation for your injuries.
Get Free Advice From An Experienced Car Accident Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form Or Call
954-807-4665Contact us at Feingold & Posner, P.A. now to speak with a Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer who can evaluate the situation and determine whether you have grounds for legal action.

“These lawyers are not only very efficient, but caring as well. I would not hesitate to refer them to anyone.”